
DIY: Peony Floral Bouquet

[zephyr_dropcaps style=”regular” firstcolor=”#333333″ bgcolor=””]P[/zephyr_dropcaps]eonies, peonies, and peonies oh my. They never fail to take my breath away every spring. This DIY post is inspired to share your own garden gems as special gifts. I gave some handmade peony bouquets as part of birthday gifts, and thank you’s to some gal pals as soon as they bloomed. Fresh florals will brighten up any space or mood.

All you need is a good pair of garden snippers and some ribbon! Have fun with it and use the blooms that are growing in your garden.  Better yet, bring together a BYOF (bring your own homegrown flowers) party, and assemble some arrangements over coffee and treats!

20150607-PEONIES-0058[zephyr_quote author=”Henry Mitchell”]The fattest and most scrumptious of all flowers, a rare fusion of fluff and majesty, the peony is now coming into bloom.[/zephyr_quote]




